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Writer's pictureJalaine Pazer

German Phrases and Words to Know

Updated: May 28

When visiting another country, you definitely don’t want a language

barrier to stifle your merriment. Since more than 95% of the German

population speaks Standard German as their first language and English

as their second language, there are 20 key phrases and words that will

help you in your travels and help you enjoy your vacation to the fullest:

Jalaine Pazer travel advisor Germany languages

1. Hallo = Hello.

2. Tschüss = Bye

3. Bitte = Please

4. Danke = Thanks

5. Entschuldigung = Sorry, Excuse me.

6. Kannst du mir helfen? = Can you help me?

7. In Sprichst du Englisch? = Do you speak English?

8. Ich bin zum ersten Mal hier. = This is my first time here.

9. Ich habe eine Reservierung. = I’ve got a reservation.

10. Ich heiße… = My name is…

11. Ich hätte gerne ein Weissbier (insert beer name), bitte. = I’d like a Weissbier, please.

12. Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Wein. = I’d like a glass of wine.

13. Rechnung, bitte. = Bill, please.

14. Stimmt so. = Keep the change.

15. Wo finde ich… = Where do I find…

16. Bahnhof = Train Station

17. Geldautomaten = Cash Machine (ATM)

18. Speisekarte = Menu

19. Toilette = Toilet

20. Würstchen, wurst, banger… = Sausage

Jalaine Pazer travel advisor Germany languages

Ready to test out your newfound knowledge in person? Contact your

travel consultant to book your trip to Germany. But, “Warte nicht zu

lange (don’t wait too long)!”


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